Work Right!

I came across the Poster For Tomorrow 2014 Competition. Poster for tomorrow announces its 6th annual call for entries for social communication poster designs. The project has been running its yearly contest since 2009 and this year’s topic is Work Right.
All people need to know their right to work without exploitation, discrimination or prejudice. This is what Poster for tomorrow want to broadcast this year.
I started to do some sketches thinking about every job having value but didn’t get very far. This is all I came up with so far.

And we’re back…..

Helloooooo…Remember me?…Yes…. I know…it’s been a few weeks.
After a lovely visit from family and a great break in Byron (which I can highly recommend to one and all) I am back in front of my trusty little laptop.
It’s going to be a bit of a slow start back into blogging…lots to catch up on, things to think about, ideas to organise….but hopefully you will stick around. Maybe even comment and share what you’ve all been up to while I’ve been away.