For Mike

This doodle reminds me of my arty friend Mike who is married to my uber-cool friend Polly. He very kindly lent me his WACOM tablet to have a play with. Thank You Mikey! It was really cool to have a play but will take a LOT of practice for me to achieve anything close to competence.

Hairy Mary…Wallpaper design

Just for fun, I uploaded my previous design (now called Hairy Mary) to Spoonflower. It can become fabric, gift wrap and here is what it might look like as wallpaper. How cool is that!
I still have to work out how I make this available for people to actual buy it but it’s there ready and waiting. Woohoo.

Winter’s Here

June means winter here in the southern hemisphere and this year for us it also means snow (hopefully). We have booked a long weekend away to our local ski resort at the end of the month so our girls can experience snow for the first time. So while everyone around us is cursing the cold weather we are anxiously willing the temperature to drop.
Fingers crossed we’ll be “frolicking in flakes” rather than “slumping through slush” just like these happy little elves.


A Sense of Style

While looking back over some of my recent posts I’ve realized my images are starting to have a recognizable style to them. Yay!!!
I’ll keep plugging away and maybe when I have a handful I am most happy with I can set up a little online portfolio so I can approach the “Illustration Powers That Be” (whoever they are) and start making some money out of this doodling malarkey!
Any tips on how I go about this will be greatly appreciated.

Getting Inspired

I came across Kate Bingaman Burt: Illustrator, educator, & maker of things. Trawling through hours of cool videos trying to find inspiration/help/comfort I stumbled upon the below video.

At first I had no bloody idea what the hell she was on about but as I continued to view I started to see the light. KB-B sets up a rule system to give her creativeness a structure. The hardest part about being creative (for me anyway) is not the drawing or creating but narrowing down the ideas or coming up with an idea at all then putting it into action. I like the idea of setting myself an automated project with structure to give myself a kick up the bum.
KB-B uses phrases like…”find what you love“, “what’s your story” & “be obsessed“.

Now I just need to find the time.