In Need of a Hug?


Meet Hugo Calin. Available for hugs when needed. Been playing around with adding textures and backgrounds to my hand drawn illustrations.
Not sure it works in this case, I think I just need to experiment a bit more.

I have added him to my redbubble and society6 stores.

Artists I Love & other Nonsense

the-queen-of-pentacles-prints Teagan White

I have been utterly neglectful of my blog this year and much of late last year.
I have been concentrating on my society6 & Redbubble products & profile but I mean to amend this by not only sharing what I am working on but also on the artists I come across that completely inspire me.

The above image (The Queen of Pentacles) is created one of my absolute favourite illustrators on society6. Teagan White is an American freelance illustrator specializing in intricate drawings of flora and fauna. Her playful use of watercolour to create adorable animal characters  using nostalgic colors, decorative arrangements of organic forms, and meticulous detail makes my heart sing.
See her work and I dare you not to be enchanted.


I’m a bit late in sharing but my little dental superheroes are finished and been very happily received by my client. Introducing…PB and Floss.
Fighting dental emergencies whenever they arise.
Floss-low-res PB-low-res
I’m hopefully going to be a bit better in blogging than I have of late.

Still Bumbling Along

I had coffee with my lovely friend Gillian this morning. She is off to live in Perth with her family in the next month, much to our little community’s dismay.

This got my brain ticking.

I decided to have a go at adding to my growing card collection and create a farewell card idea.

This is what I came up with.


My youngest daughter has just started an intensive 2 weeks of swimming with school. I expected her to become a little tired but after only day 2, she emerged from school a zombie version of her normal chipper self. Apparently she almost fell asleep in class. Goodness knows what the end of the week will bring, let alone the end of week 2!

Bollywood Babushka

It’s been a slow start back after school holidays so bear with me!
Even before the school holidays I was busy, busy. I spent a couple of weeks making dance costumes for my daughters Bollywood Dance Class. Lots of colour and sparkle.
Just like my little Bollywood Babushka